Cecil County FCA is looking for 4 interns (two male, two female) to serve the Lord

in local sports ministry for the summer of 2025. A large part of the internship will be based out of our FCA office in Colora, MD. There will be some travel involved with local camps and 2-3 overnight camp opportunities.


The primary goal of the FCA Internship experience is to develop the intern’s understanding of his/her calling to ministry and introduce them to the possibility of living out that calling through a career with FCA. 



FCA Interns are college-age volunteers who have completed one year of college and have a desire to explore 

staff with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Interns serving with FCA may receive a stipend up to $800/month to help cover cost of living related expenses during the course of the internship, however they are not employees and cannot receive compensation by the hour or for production of their work. Interns are required to raise their own personal support for this stipend/compensation.



Educational focus through training and experiential learning.

  • Training in discipleship, FCA ministry, being a healthy follower of Jesus, leadership, and discerning ministry calling
  • Enhanced by educational experiences through serving in volunteer roles
  • Creating disciple makers
  • A taste of what it looks like to be on FCA Staff
  • Consistent daily times of prayer, Bible study & discussion in community
  • Leadership and professional development (recruiting, interviewing, training volunteers, social media, communications...etc.)
  • Lead at local and regional camps
  • Intern will complete a Ministry Impact Report and end of service review of their experience


  • Application will open in November & stay open until January or until all positions are filled.
  • Interviews and offers will be made in February/March.
  • Fundraising will take place between the time of the job offer and the beginning of the internship in May.
  • The internship will last from mid May to the first week in August.


  • You will need to raise 100% of your summer intern budget ($4,000) by the start of the internship. 
  • Interns will be trained in methods of raising personal support.
  • There will be a weekly accountability call throughout the fundraising process.

Apply Today

Stories From Summer Interns


I came into this internship with a lot of doubts. Doubts about how God could provide, doubts on how we would be able to reach anyone during the pandemic, and unsure why I was being called to even be a part of this intern team. But God looked at my doubts and turned my gaze back to Him in these times. I am feeling closer than ever to God because prayer, time in scripture, and worship have become something I strive to do each day. Before this summer I struggled to keep a close relationship with Christ always. I would find myself in weeks where I spent every day in His word, and other weeks where I never opened my Bible and barely prayed. Through this summer, God showed me what it meant to fully trust in Him for every aspect of my life, not just the parts I was willing to give Him. I had surrendered my life to Christ about two years ago, but I was never truly put in a position where I had to fully trust in Him to move. Through this summer I have found myself going to God with everything- to provide for me financially, to provide me with people who would become Christian blocks in my life to hold me up, to provide campers who we could share the Gospel with at power camp, and to provide me with wisdom and courage to share the good news of Jesus Christ. 


Some of the things I enjoyed most about this summer were all the opportunities for face to face ministry. I loved being able to serve as a huddle leader at Kutztown, speak in front of the campers at power camp, and get to know some of the local huddle leaders. I have learned more about being a witness to the Gospel this summer than I have in my entire life. From someone who wants to pursue a career in ministry, it was so encouraging to experience a totally ministry-based summer. I am also super thankful for the community I have been surrounded by these past few months. I was always meeting new people in ministry, each with unique testimonies, gifts, and callings. It was an awesome reminder of how God has intentionally shaped and equipped us all according to his purpose, and how he uses our interactions with one another to further that growth.


As I entered this FCA internship this summer, I and many doubts and worries. I was unsure of ways that I could be effective, and I did not realize the spiritual responsibilities God was going to give me in order to make an impact for Him. This was not only my first time ever serving with FCA, but also my first mission assignment altogether.  With this being the case, my anxiety level was sky high. Even with these uncertainties, this have been the most exciting, adventure filled summer I have ever had, from the lifelong friendships I have established to witnessing God’s work in the lives of the campers. Altogether, it has been an unbelievable experience. I have grown so much as a man but more importantly as a child of God. 

Cecil County Intern Alumni


Anna, Libby, Mackenzie, Javar, Isaac and Jeremiah


Micah, Greg, GraceHope,
Hannah and Chloe


Kristen, Cameron, Anthony,

Carley and Micah


Anthony, Anna and Libby


Sam, Savelle and Bailey


Jacob, Kamryn and Emma


Hunter, Jacob, Kirstin, Jillian, 
Kalie and Ellie


Kyle, Shelby and Kendall


Julia and Karrie


Silas, Derrick, Bailey and Sarah
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