Cecil County Huddles

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a student-initiated club that will be meeting before school, after school or during club period. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on all levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. Although FCA is athlete focused, it is not athlete-exclusive, so all are welcome.

High School

 Middle School
Interested in starting FCA at your school?

1. Complete a Ministry Leader Application (ages 13+)
All adults, coaches or sponsors who lead or provide support need to complete a Ministry Leader Application online. https://mla.fca.org/

2. Complete the E3 Discipleship Training
This course is designed to train & equip you to make an eternal difference in the lives of coaches and athletes. This training brings discipleship to life.

3. Complete The Ministry Certification Request
Complete the request for local staff to certify your campus sport ministry.

4. Contact FCA Staff
Contact Cecil County FCA Area Director, Brian Hamson at (410) 642-3904 or bhamson@fca.org
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